
The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song: Emotional and Stirring

The Three Kingdoms are at war, but Meilin’s father refuses to answer the imperial draft. Trapped by his opium addiction, he plans to sell Meilin for her dowry. But when Meilin discovers her husband-to-be is another violent, ill-tempered man, she realizes that nothing will change for her unless she takes matters into her own hands. […]

The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song: Emotional and Stirring Read More »

Of Jade and Dragons by Amber Chen: Thrilling and Complex

Eighteen-year-old Aihui Ying dreams of becoming a world-class engineer like her father, but after his sudden murder, her life falls apart. Left with only a journal of her father’s engineering secrets and a jade pendant snatched from the assassin, a heartbroken Ying follows the trail to the capital and the prestigious Engineers Guild—a place that

Of Jade and Dragons by Amber Chen: Thrilling and Complex Read More »

“All the Hidden Paths” by Foz Meadows: Beautifully Authentic

With the plot against them foiled and the city of Qi-Katai in safe hands, newlywed and tentative lovers Velasin and Caethari have just begun to test the waters of their relationship. But the wider political ramifications of their marriage are still playing out across two nations, and all too soon, they’re summoned north to Tithena’s

“All the Hidden Paths” by Foz Meadows: Beautifully Authentic Read More »

“Traitor of Redwinter” by Ed McDonald: Unexpected Revelations

Traitor of Redwinter is the second in Ed McDonald’s Redwinter Chronicles, full of shady politics, militant monks, ancient powers… and a young woman navigating a world in which no one is quite what they seem. The power of the Sixth Gate grows stronger within Raine each day—to control it, she needs lessons no living Draoihn

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Contrarian by L. E. Modesitt Jr.: Phenomenal Political Intrigue

In Contrarian, protests against unemployment and poor harvests have become armed riots as the people sink deeper into poverty. They look to a government struggling to emerge from corruption and conspiracy. Recently elected to the Council of Sixty-Six, Steffan Dekkard is the first Councilor who is an Isolate, a man invulnerable to the emotional manipulations

Contrarian by L. E. Modesitt Jr.: Phenomenal Political Intrigue Read More »

Councilor by L.E. Modesitt Jr: Intrigue and Social Unrest

Continued poor harvests and steam-powered industrialization displace and impoverish thousands. Protests grow and gather followers. Against this rising tide of social unrest, Steffan Dekkard, newly appointed to the Council of Sixty-Six, is the first Councilor who is an Isolate, a man invulnerable to the emotional manipulations and emotional surveillance of empaths. This makes him dangerous.

Councilor by L.E. Modesitt Jr: Intrigue and Social Unrest Read More »

Isolate: A Novel of the Grand Illusion by L. E. Modesitt Jr.: Political Intrigue, Engrossing

Industrialization. Social unrest. Underground movements. Government corruption and surveillance. Something is about to give. Steffan Dekkard is an isolate, one of the small percentage of people who are immune to the projections of empaths. As an isolate, he has been trained as a security specialist, and he and his security partner Avraal Ysella, a highly

Isolate: A Novel of the Grand Illusion by L. E. Modesitt Jr.: Political Intrigue, Engrossing Read More »

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